Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Top 10 Tips for Street Fundraising/Busking

There are some things you learn from first hand experience with street fundraising. Here are some tips that I found in the San Francisco Bay Area if you ever plan to do it yourself.

1. Train your authentic-sounding customer service voice and memorize a convincing script(s).

2. Be persistent- there will be 1000 rejections before 1 donation (of probably $1). Smile through the pain! :)

3. Get a good location and good target audience. I.e. Pride & bars/clubs are good for alt sexuality. Family friendly tourist spots are not.

4. Good locations: people with cash and likely to spend money (but not necessarily people with rich clothing as they're more likely to carry cards, thus not donating). Busy corner is good, as is walking up and down a busy sidewalk. Walking into(not out) of public transportation is also good.

5. Supplies: Have good signage. Have a big-ish donation box/large with signage on it- a slit lid is better than an wide-open lid. Have a clipboard. Some business cards/flyers. Wear a uniform or logo shirt that looks legit. WEAR SHOE INSOLES and other weather appropriate stuff.

Now street busking specific suggestions:

6. Important supplies: a BIG box/jar with an OPEN lid, "please help!" type of signage, water-water-water, and whatever you're performing.

7. Side supplies: Loud speakers, non-phone device for playing music, something to hold down the jar/box, especially if it's windy. If you are required to have a performer's permit, that is also important.

8. Pack lightly and be ready to move if you're approached by police/security.

9. Position yourself at least 30-50ft from the nearest other street performer(s).

10. And lastly, wear or be something eye catching.

If you have done street busking or street fundraising, what have you learned from it?


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